
About me

Oh… You Actually want to know something about me? Jeez… Fine.

I’m currently 17 years old. (TODO: Update this page next year)

I’m still in highschool, and I’m also working as a software developer for an undisclosed OSS project.

I grew interest in computers at a young age. I still vividly remmeber booting up my enourmous 2001 notebook to play Trackmania united in my childhood. Fun times. I also used to game a lot, and since gaming in 2012 with a Wii was hard, I had to get my way around most of the problems I had. My interest in programming grew when the pandemic hit back in 2019. I was bored af, and decided to look into online CS courses, because “Why not?”.

My favorite languages are V and Python; I use V all the time, and when I can’t use V, I use python. It’s pretty cool.

I’m also fluent in both English and Brazillian Portuguese. Tried learning Japanese too but I don’t really have time atm.

I think that’s it. Thanks for reading.

Jocadbz's Website

Developer, gamer, and also a fucking idiot

A little about me

By Jocadbz, 2024-07-09